Just recently picked up a used KK after selling the one I had years ago and thought i'd do a Bank of patches...here are the first 25.
Custom KingKorg Patch demo.
Moderators: Sharp, X-Trade, Pepperpotty, karmathanever
Custom KingKorg Patch demo.
Korg Kronos 73, KingKorg, Arp Odyssey, X5DR, Roland System 1m, Juno 6, JX-3P, JX-10, MKS-50, D10, Moog Sub Phatty, Novation Bass Station 2, DSI Prophet 08, Tetra, Analogue Solutions Telemark V2 and Leipzig-S, Nord Lead A1, Dreadbox Erebus, Waldorf Pulse, NI Maschine, Komplete 9 Ultimate, Arturia SparkLe, Beatstep, Spectrasonics Omnisphere U-HE Diva (Best Soft Synth ever) + other Softsynths