pa1x vs pa1xpro

Discussion relating to the Korg Pa1X / Pa1Xpro

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pa1x vs pa1xpro

Post by Cian »

Please help, am I missing something? Pa1x has NO hdd and Pa1xpro HAS hdd. So if Pa1x has NO hdd where the hell is the OS and MS installed? I remember from past topics of the matter on the forum that everybody was talking about installing OS and MS on hdd. So where you install OS and MS on Pa1x if you don't have hdd? Sorry if this topic is outdated but it is quite interesting.
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Post by Reuben »

I think there is a small amount of Flash Memory to store OS plus User Registrations. I had the Pa1x pro at one stage and like you I found it difficult to get my head around what was happening under the hood.
Come to think of it I'm still not sure exactly what happens on my Pa3x which doesn't have an old fashioned hard drive but does come with a USB stick hot-glued inside! I was always confused why they used such a tiny (I think it was close to 2gb) stick so I replaced mine with a 32gb one and it works fine (I did have to re-install the package files) and all the memory is available! So why the hell would I need the model with the Hard Disk.

As an interesting side note - the 3x comes with 128mb of Ram plus a back-up battery to keep user samples available. But if the battery goes flat or is taken out the Ram gets loaded automatically and I have also wondered how it knows to do this and when it last took a copy of the Ram to store in the internal USB.
Korg keeps it as a mystery.

I think its like modern cars - don't ask how it works - just drive it!
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Post by duby2 »

on the pa3x the usb drive was 4Gb and you are right the OS was there, you can take it out and look at it on a computer if you like and for the sample on boot up it the os see the battery is dead the os know ( you will see the led blink ) so if battery is dead os will load the ram ,, and if you shut down the keyboard you see a dim screen for a little time ... that the time were it save , house clearn up..
if you do sample and do not save it wile in the sample mode you will lose ,just that one sample..
your are right
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Post by Cian »

I am afraid that both, Reuben and duby2 are missing point here. It is not about "don't ask-just play it", it has much broader ramification than that. There are numerous posts here in regards to kb not booting properly or not at all. When forum members try to help they always suggest reinstalling OS and resources on hd. We know that only Pa1xpro has hd. Pa1x dos not have hd. That is why the obvious question arises, where am I supposed to reinstall OS and resources if I have Pa1x only. Quite a valid question so I don't understand someone saying something like don't ask, play it. Not polite and not democratic at all. Also I don't understand why the moderators would not step in and address this issue.
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Post by duby2 »

For give me for what I say ..I am wrong...
the pa1x has USB: Connector: Type B - Format: Slave (ver. USB 1.1)
it not like a now day usb memory ,and no usb in side the keyboard..
the os , is on the main mother board. it on a memory chip were there is ROM for boot up . and a updateable rom for the OS , so you can not look at it , KORG they know how .. not me... the first os that I could look at was in the pa3x. were the usb drive was partition,, one for korg boot and OS and one half for users .. the korg half to see what was on it , you had to take it out and put it in a computer and then and then it was over my head ...
back the pa1x , I hate to say it but the os is on one of those chip .
it like now the pa4x os1 had 5GB and now the os 2 has more sample and os 3 will have a little more sample , korg , format and stuff more in and this we can not see. when you look in to it..

So the pa1x OS is on the main board...sone were.
this is what i think ..
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how does this work

Post by duby2 »

you ask So where you install OS and MS on Pa1x if you don't have hdd?
you don't ..

you can owly update with 3 1/2 floppy drive and you have to hold down the intor button to get into the upgrade windows... if you down load the os from korg web site it will tell you what you have to do...
i hope this help ..

you say
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that a big place , is it,
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Post by Cian »

OK, duby2, all you said applies to Pa1x. How about Pa1xPro, where are OS and MS installed? Is it the same as you you said it is on Pa1x or, are OS and MS installed on Pa1xPro's hd?
Yeah, Western Hemisphere, it is really big place, so let's narrow it to the Itchycoo Park.
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Post by Cian »

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Post by duby2 »

I do not know for sure ,,, but I think the Pa1xPro that had the HD drive in it .. was just for saveing midi song and styles ...

you could buy a hd kit for the pa1x and install it .. if you bought the kit from korg..

with or with out a HD in the keyboard ... the OS was still on the main board ...
so do you have a pa1x and are you trying to update it or just think out loud.. that's how we learn..

and so you are from east london aroud spitalfields , nice place .
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Post by Cian »

Duby, your comments are quite enlightening, I wonder why the moderators are so quiet. They know better. There were many posts over years in regards to problems with booting and many forum members claimed that that was due to faulty hd. They would go on and suggest replacing hd and/or reinstalling OS and MR. Since the OS and MR are installed on the motherboard replacing hd and/or reinstalling OS and MR would not fix the problem. Why everybody was suggesting replacing hd is perplexing. It seems after all, that the problems with booting in Pa1x are due to faulty motherboards not hds. Probably nobody cares about this issue anymore because pa1x/pa1xpro are quite obsolete. In your words, thinking loud and learning.
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