Korg Module Pro - Backup/Sync User Programs & Set Lists?

Discussion relating to KORG software running on the iPad

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Korg Module Pro - Backup/Sync User Programs & Set Lists?

Post by Rich72 »

It is clear that Korg wants the Module Pro app to be used for live performance, and it certainly looks great for that with the set list and split features, but I see no way to backup your saved user programs or your set lists, without doing a full backup of the ipad.

For live performance we should have a way to keep 2 ipads in sync. The changes I make on one should be automatically saved to the cloud and I should be able to easily download those to another device.

Does anyone have any solutions for this, even if it includes another app for the sync process?

Does Korg take feature suggestions or read these forums?

I'm very happy with the app and the quality of the sounds, but I don't want to rely on it for a live gig without a way to easily switch to another device.

Thank You,
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