How to set delay effect for one side of split keyboard?

Discussion relating to the Korg Kross.

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How to set delay effect for one side of split keyboard?

Post by Russell_FMC »

Hi, this is my 1st post as I am a guitarist by trade and normally only use my Kross as a MIDI controller. However, I am planning a reggae BBQ for the summer and due to a critical lack of musicians, will likely have to attempt bass and organ on my Kross. I've managed to find quite nice patches, but I would really like to be able to switch a delay effect in & out occasionally for the organ side. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to do this please?
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Post by bpoodoo »

As a combination you would have an insert effect for delay that is included in the insert effects routing for the organ timbre but not for the bass timbre. In the delay effect parameters, you can assign a control (e.g. switch or joystick) to turn the effect on (Wet) or off (Dry).
Triton Extreme 88 w/MOSS
"I did my best, and I guess my best was good enough." - Kronos
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