Korg X3 ribbon cable

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Korg X3 ribbon cable

Post by slooky »

I'm looking for a ribbon cable for the Korg X3. Any help would be appreciated.
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Post by voip »

These folk may be able to help:


Or take the existing cable to a computer repair shop.

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Post by slooky »

I tried that and they don't have it. Said I will get a notice if they ever get one. The other part of your answer said bring it to a repair shop. You mean they can fix the existing ribbon cable? Thank you, I really appreciate you trying to help.
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Post by voip »

I checked with Partisparts.net, and they no longer supply the cable.

Unfortunately, there's no guarantee that a computer repair shop will help. It will very much depend on the people running it, and their resourcefulness, and electronic skills. Some will just be box shifters.

Good luck.
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Post by slooky »

Thank you. I found on another site, someone suggested Ali Express. Kind of a hit and miss with them. We will see. Also since I replaced the Floppy drive with the hard drive I sent a message to them. They do have a bunch in stock. So I will wait for Ali Express first. I appreciate your help!
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Post by slooky »

My ribbon cable that I originally had worked. Funny that it only goes in one way. If you go end for end it won't work. Or have it upside down it won't work. I did get some from Ali express. Just by chance that I put the ribbon cable in a different way. I purchased one of those Gotek hard drives off the internet and it wouldn't turn on. Its all great now and I can finally get rid of about 200 floppy's
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