First of all i want to thank all you contributors to this forum for sharing so many great tipps, you helped me alot

I plan to use a Triton Extreme for live playing, but in Seqencer mode because we need a Click Track for our Drummer with some tempo changes. We also use a little of sequenced material as backing track, so i have to use the sequencer mode.
My question is: is the sound transition smooth when changing the patch of a timbre (track) in sequencer mode? Can i hold down the keys and the sound remains over the patch change? Is the release portion of the previous patch mantained?
I would do the patch changes by recording sysex events, has someone experience with this?
I dont have an extreme, and the next for sale i know is 500kM away, so i cant try for myself, so it would be nice if someone could test it for me before i buy one.
Greets from Italy
PS.: I dont want to create a "BUY A KRONOS, SST" thread