Trinity Rom expansions - TR Rack

Discussion relating to the Korg Trinity and TR rack.

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The Magic Hoof
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Trinity Rom expansions - TR Rack

Post by The Magic Hoof »

I might be misreading this, but were there really 4 different rom expansion boards for the Trinity? I'm looking into getting a TR Rack and under the description/info pages it says something like, "The TR Rack includes an additional 8mb of rom taken from the Trinity's 4 expansion libraries".

I'm not sure what the additional 8mb of rom on the TR Rack is and if it actually includes all of the additional rom/patches from these aforementioned expansions. If it turns out that I'll be missing a lot of patches from the Trinity by getting a TR Rack, I might just have to save up and get a Trinity someday. If not, I'll get the TR Rack.
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Post by The Magic Hoof »

Hmm... After further investigation it seems like the only actual sound expansion options would be the Prophecy and Z1 (SOLO/MOSS), but also the 8mb of flash rom expansion (don't think it comes with samples on board?)

I think that description is a little misleading about four expansion rom sets. Maybe it meant to say that it's a 'best of' coming from the Prophecy and Z1? It would be nice to have some brass/woodwinds from those Prophecy and Z1 synths but I can live without it, and I've got the analog-modeling stuff covered on other synths too, so if all the main samples from the Trinity are included in the TR Rack I'll settle for the TR Rack.
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Post by synthjoe »

The TR Rack takes only one optional thing: the DI-TRI (4 ch. ADAT digital output).

In ROM it has 39 more Multisamples and 200 more DrumSamples over a standard Trinity keyboard (look here - it's all in there).

If you want Z1 sounds or PBS option (extra samples on floppy disks, let's call them 'expansions'), you'll have to go with the keyboard version. However, if you're happy with a stock Trinity and with the extra samples (kind of like the 'best of' the floppies mentioned before), you'll be happy with the TR rack.

Hope this helped.
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Post by DCPete »

Worthy of note...In the TR Rack, you get 4 banks of 127 sounds both in Program & Combi ((512 Prog 512 Combi)

The first 2 Banks in each are identical to the Trinity in it's entirety.

The remaining 2 banks in each are new & to these ears are rather good too. If possible they appear sonically better including some awesome drum samples.

Well worth getting.
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Post by The Magic Hoof »

I'm interested in which floppies were released. Is there a list of them somewhere along with the new samples/patches that they offered? I'm taking it that you load the floppies' samples/patches into the 8mb expansion board on the Trinity board version. I'm probably going to be happy with a TR Rack but I just wanted to check.
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Post by synthjoe »

According to ... inity.html
The following Korg sample sets are available for the PBS-TRI board: Orchestral, Mega Piano (SG ProX piano samples), Dance Waves and Drums, and M1 (the M1 sample ROM). These cost £35 each; the first three sets are 8Mb in size, the fourth 4Mb.

In addition, there are three newly available sets originating from Italian Korg distributor Bass and Drums (18 acoustic drum kits, 8 acoustic and electric basses), Groovebox (sampled drum loops, sub basses and so on), and Brass (mainly solo saxes).

These cost £65 each, and include an interactive 'Click 'n' Play' CD-ROM-based manual. All three sets are 8Mb in size.

All seven sample sets come on multiple floppy disks, which makes for slow loading, but once the samples are in the PBS-TRI flash ROM you can save them to a hard drive if you have the SCSI or the HDR option fitted.
The largest single collection of Trinity samples and ptaches I know of can be found here. You can compare multisamples with the information contained in the link I posted earlier.
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Post by Slovenec »

I owned both a Korg Trinity Plus and TR Rack. The extra 8mb of ROM added a huge amount of sounds particularly in the drums department and IMHO a much improved acoustic piano..... more mellower than the bright Trinity offering not to mention that the now imfamous M1 piano also come as part of that extra 8mb of ROM in addition to hundreds of new drums sounds and (I think) extra EP and organ sounds.

It was a shame that Korg didn't include these as standard with the Trinity upon it's intial release and I sold my Trinity a long time before I could bare to part with the TR Rack simply because of those extra drum programs!

The TR had that flaw of not having any ability to be edited (even in a basic manner) from the front panel! It also contained the same 32 note polyphonic limitation as the Trinity.

There were 4 sets of ROM libraries available for the Trinity's vastly overpriced 8MB PBS option including 'drums', 'dance', 'piano' and I think perhaps a 'world' or 'ethnic' sound set (don't quote me on this).

The PBS like the HDR option were way overpriced and thus weren't big sellers for Korg as Trinity expansion options. I'm sure the Prophecy and MOSS boards were much better sellers.

As far as I'm concerned, the Trinity is a better sounding instrument than the Triton series that replaced it with way superior filters, not to mention some superior ROM waves that sadly weren't available for the Triton series. The Triton's were however much better in the way they implemented effects routings not to mention containing a proper(!) sampler, improved touchscreen GUI, sequencer and dual arpeggiators.
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Post by Timo »

There are 39 more Multisamples and 200 more DrumSamples in a TR-Rack module than in a standard Trinity keyboard.

These are:

375 L2 Stereo Piano
376 R2 Stereo Piano
377 M1 Piano
378 M1 Perc. Organ
379 Sharp Bass
380 Brass Fall
381 M1 Tenor Sax
382 01W Alto Sax
383 M1 Trumpet
384 1-01W Trombone
385 2-01W Trombone
386 Deep Bass
387 M1 E.Bass
388 M1 Fretless
389 Voque Bass
390 Bright Syn. Bass
391 Knock Bass
392 Drum Bass
393 Mr.8 Sync Lead
394 M1 Snymalet
395 M1 Pole
396 Ambi Brass Hit
397 Funky Guitar Hit
398 Pop Guitar Hit
399 ReggaeGuitar Hit
400 1a Vox-Wah Gtr
401 1b Vox-Wah Gtr
402 Old Brass Hit
403 Band Hit 2
404 Dissonant Hit
405 Power Pop Hit
406 Flass Orch Hit
407 Unison Orch Hit
408 5th Choir Hit
409 Intense Hit
410 Bamboo Water
411 Elevator-Noise
412 DSP-Noise
413 1 White Noise
414 2 White Noise

Drum Samples

259 BD-Circle
260 BD-Cringer
261 BD-Defness 1a
262 BD-Defness 1b
263 BD-Defness 1c
264 BD-EZ Hop
265 BD-Scab
266 BD-Speepy 1a
267 BD-Sleepy 1b
268 BD-Sluggo 1a
269 BD-Sluggo 1b
270 BD-Super Dj
271 BD-Clobber
272 BD-HeavyFoot
273 BD-Pop 99
274 BD-Inner Ear
275 BD-Super Fly
276 BD-Junnngle
277 BD-Beef
278 BD-Big Box
279 BD-Super Foot
280 BD-Euro House 99
281 BD-Deep House
282 BD-Ambi Rock
283 BD-Dark Dance
284 BD-Pumping Club
285 BD-Rock Man
286 BD-R*A*V*E
287 BD-Deep R&B
288 BD-Thumper
289 BD-Brick Wall
290 BD-Rat Top
291 BD-Dance Hall
292 BD-Muffled
293 BD-Tom Cat
294 BD-Vintage Jazz
295 BD-Acid Jazz
296 BD-Ravem 99
297 BD-Voodoo
298 BD-Deep 88
299 BD-Deep Loop 88
300 BD-Prisoner
301 BD-Crisp 99
302 BD-Distorted 99
303 BD-TeknoKing
304 BD-TeknoKing Rev
305 BD-Deep Down
306 BD-Donkamatic
307 BD-Pop Vox
308 SD-Circle
309 SD-Defness
310 SD-EZ R&B
311 SD-Scab
312 SD-Sleepy
313 SD-Sluggo
314 SD-Sluggo W/Clap
315 SD-Old Ambi
316 SD-Hydro Pop
317 SD-Funky Sneezer
318 SD-Pulp Rock
319 SD-Thick Gate
320 SD-Snap Hop
321 SD-ThinRock Gate
322 SD-Dry Vintage
323 SD-Dark Vintage
324 SD-Jungle 1
325 SD-Ambi Clapper
326 SD-Raw Rocker
327 SD-Industry
328 SD-Hip Trip
329 SD-Dry Smack
330 SD-CompressedHop
331 SD-Ambi Noise
332 SD-Big Door
333 SD-Clap Hop
334 SD-Dry Present
335 SD-Bryte Trip
336 SD-Military Man
337 SD-Purple Funk
338 SD-Ambi Hop
339 SD-Ambi Ring
340 SD-Tite & Bright
341 SD-Jungle 2
342 SD-Ambi Pop
343 SD-Indus Noise
344 SD-Distorted 88
345 SD-Dark & Thin
346 SD-Analog 66
347 SD-Donkamatic
348 SD-Ambi Reverse
349 SD-Pop Vox
350 SD-Old Buzz Roll
351 SD-Woody X Stick
352 SD-OldAmbiXStick
353 SD-Rimshot 99
354 HH-Circle Close
355 HH-Defness Close
356 HH-Lofi 1 Close
357 HH-Wispy Open
358 HH-Clangy Open
359 HH-Lofi 2 Close
360 HH-Lofi 2 Open
361 HH-Lofi 3 Close
362 HH-Lofi 4 Close
363 HH-Alpo Close
364 HH-Alpo Open
365 HH-DirtyTekno Cl
366 HH-Old Crisp Cl1
367 HH-Old Crisp Cl2
368 HH-Old Crisp Op
369 HH-Old Pop Close
370 HH-Old Pop Open
371 HH-Big Chunk Cl
372 HH-Big Chunk Op
373 HH-TeknoNoize Cl
374 HH-TeknoNoize Op
375 HH-SprayCan Cl
376 HH-SprayCan Op
377 HH-Chunk Close
378 HH-Chunk Open
379 HH-Donkamatic
380 HH-Trihat Close
381 HH-Trihat Open
382 HH-KPR 55 Close
383 HH-KPR 55 Open
384 HH-KPR 55 Rev.
385 CYM-Crash DDD1
386 CYM-OpenJazz Crs
387 CYM-99 Crash
388 CYM-RideEdgDDD1
389 CYM-OldJazz Ride
390 CYM-99 Ride
391 TOM-Old R&B
392 TOM-Dirty Funk
393 TOM-Hi Ambi
394 TOM-Mid Ambi
395 TOM-Lo Ambi
396 TOM-99 High
397 TOM-99 Low
398 TOM-Hi Disco
399 TOM-Lo Disco
400 TOM-Distorted 88
401 TOM-Hi Vox
402 TOM-Lo Vox
403 Vintage Clap
404 Ambi Clap
405 Hop Clap
406 M1 Fingersnap
407 Snap-Crunchy
408 Donkamatic Tambo
409 Dirty Tambourine
410 Dirty Sleighbell
411 Rap Sleighbell
412 Shaker-Crunchy
413 Thin Shaker
414 Shaker Scrape
415 Shaker Hit
416 Tabla Open
417 Tabla Na
418 Tabla Mute
419 DJ-SD Rub2
420 DJ-Hit Rub
421 DJ-Scratch Loop
422 DJ-SD Stop
423 DJ-1a Vocal Rub
424 DJ-1b Vocal Rub
425 DJ-1c Vocal Rub
426 DJ-Rub Reverse
427 DJ-Reverse Stop
428 Bubble
429 "Oooo"
430 Falling "Oooo"
431 "Yea" Solo
432 "Yea" Group
433 "Wooh" Solo
434 "Uhh" Solo
435 "Uhhhh" Solo
436 "LikeThat" Group
437 "Huh" Group
438 "Ho" Group
439 "Hit It" Solo
440 "Damn" Solo
441 "BreakItUp" Solo
442 "One..." Solo
443 "Two..." Solo
444 "Three..." Solo
445 "Four..." Solo
446 BD-Cannon
447 BD-Big Cannon
448 BD-IndustrialAir
449 SD-Amb Anvil Hit
450 SD-Air Explosion
451 SD-Metal Striker
452 SD-Metal Ringer
453 HH-Alien Scream
454 Industrial Moan
455 HH-Gun Clikr
456 Register Talk
457 Glass Breaker
458 TV Noise

They're like a "best of" the PBS sample sets, but you can't swap these for other sample sets like you can in a PBS-TRI as the extra sounds are burnt to ROM in the TR-Rack.

There are 9 or 10 official PCM sets in total for the PBS-TRI expansion option (if installed on a Trinity keyboard).

These are:

TFD-1S - Mega Pianos
TFD-2S - Orchestral Elements
TFD-3S - Dance Waves & Drums
TFD-4S - Best of M1
TFD-5S (also called PCM 03) - The Groovebox
TFD-6S (also called PCM 04) - Techno & Trance
Garage, Jungle & Hip Hop

(I'm unsure of the last three TFD/PCM name/numbers).

I also think there is another further set called "The Groovebox 2".

There are also additional sets from the Korg Italy site. I'm unsure if these are the sample sets already mentioned just under a different name or whether they are new/different. ... id%3D81466
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Post by SynthfulDwarphus »


Anyone ever try a crack at recreating the entire extra TR-Rack 8MB PCM ROM as a loadable set for the Trinity PBS-TRI?

If not, would make a neat project!

Since it's really 16MB raw data, it could theoretically either be packaged in 2 separate parts uncompressed (user must choose which one to load at a time), or else in one part at Korg's "proprietary" 2:1 data compression, if anyone has cracked/hacked that by now, or if the data can be re-saved with its original compression somehow.

M3-M/Triton Classic 61(x2, 1x MOSS)/Triton Rack(x2)/Trinity/01Wfd/KPR77
+ PC3(x2)/K2500S/K2000RS(x2)/TG77/A4000/TQ5/JD990/S5000/ESynth-Kb/K5000S/SQ80
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Post by samriccijr »

Hi All!

I have sold my Trinity and TR-Rack, but I did build a TR-Rack PBS library. PM me if there is interest, and I will offer a .PCG file and a .KSC file.

Please be mindful as there are licenses with the samples.

The KSF and drum DS samples were pulled from the TFD 1S-4S floppies. I could not find the 01/W Trombone sample, so I squeezed in an old Kontakt multisample from the TR-Rack.

I loaded the samples using SCSI and the HDR_TRI. I created the TR-Rack PCG using SoundDiver, Trinitro and sysex dumps from the TR-Rack.

The programs and combis played as programmed. I was not able to verify the accuracy of the drum kits, but IIRC the drum mappings might not be perfect.

In the end I loaded Mellotron Flute, 3 Violins and 8 Voice Choir. I think I downsampled them to 11k to fit the 8Mb of memory. They aliased, but worked fine for my gigs.

I miss the rich sound of the Trinity!

Sam in NJ USA
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Post by SynthfulDwarphus »

samriccijr wrote:Hi All!

I have sold my Trinity and TR-Rack, but I did build a TR-Rack PBS library. PM me if there is interest, and I will offer a .PCG file and a .KSC file.

Please be mindful as there are licenses with the samples.

The KSF and drum DS samples were pulled from the TFD 1S-4S floppies. I could not find the 01/W Trombone sample, so I squeezed in an old Kontakt multisample from the TR-Rack.

I loaded the samples using SCSI and the HDR_TRI. I created the TR-Rack PCG using SoundDiver, Trinitro and sysex dumps from the TR-Rack.

The programs and combis played as programmed. I was not able to verify the accuracy of the drum kits, but IIRC the drum mappings might not be perfect.

In the end I loaded Mellotron Flute, 3 Violins and 8 Voice Choir. I think I downsampled them to 11k to fit the 8Mb of memory. They aliased, but worked fine for my gigs.

I miss the rich sound of the Trinity!

Sam in NJ USA
Hi Sam,

I sent you a PM about your TR-Rack PBS library the other day, but my message OutBox here seems to be having issues, so I'm not sure whether my message made it to you.

If you did not receive my PM, please either post a reply here, or else send me a PM @ SynthfulDwarphus .

Thanks very much!

M3-M/Triton Classic 61(x2, 1x MOSS)/Triton Rack(x2)/Trinity/01Wfd/KPR77
+ PC3(x2)/K2500S/K2000RS(x2)/TG77/A4000/TQ5/JD990/S5000/ESynth-Kb/K5000S/SQ80
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Post by samriccijr »

SD: I just sent you a PM. Sam
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