Custom Sound Question Korg vs. Yamaha vs. Ketron

For discussion relating to the Korg Pa5X arranger

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Custom Sound Question Korg vs. Yamaha vs. Ketron

Post by MyKorgPa5x »

What makes the custom sound sample sound different and/or better on one keyboard vs. another.

For example, when you load a custom sound sample into the Korg Pa4X/Pa5X, the sample will sound one way but if you load the same exact sound sample into the Yamaha it'll sound different, and it will sound different and/or better on Ketron.

• Is it the Sound Processor that makes the difference?
• Is it the OS software?
• Is there a Sound Card in the keyboard that makes a difference?
Korg Pa5x
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Post by fatih89 »

From my experience as a sound designer for different platforms such as different keyboards models and brands but also plugins like the sampler NI Kontakt the programming capabilities make the difference. And in my opinion for arranger keyboards here wins Korg, while it still has a lot of really annoying deficits (for example bad portamentos, no offset for custom multi samples). That's one of the reasons why for example the same sample/multisample sounds a on Korg Kronos much better than on any Korg Pa*X.

The sampler/keyboard/whatever should never alter the original sample, as long as you don't manipulate it with effects etc. So in best case, if a digital output is available, what comes out of the keyboard should be exactly the same as what is inside (minus the headroom, if there is any), assumed the sample rate and bit depth of the sample is the same as in the output.

Also the quality of the effects (inserts and sends) can make a huge difference. For example a reverb can sound on different keyboard models completely differently, even when using similar room model and settings. But that is nothing I would care about especially on flagship models.

If you want the best sounding keyboard for YOU, read the manuals of different models and explore what they offer in terms of sound programming.
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