EXB PCM 08 Concert Grand - Anyone have the original combis?

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EXB PCM 08 Concert Grand - Anyone have the original combis?

Post by andyc69uk »

Unfortunatley the file available for download on the Korg US site contains an incorrect set of combis in bank 'A' and nothing in bank 'C' or 'D'. The manual describes a full compliment of 128 combis should be available in bank 'C' or 'D'. Does anyone have a copy of the original disc contents and could they make it available for me to download? I would be VERY greatful!
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Post by bpoodoo »

https://www.korg.com/us/support/downloa ... /277/3201/

The above link indicates the PCG file for PCM08 includes 32 programs and 64 combinations. Maybe the other 64 combis don't use the Concert Piano programs and are just copies of the Triton preload combis to fill out a complete bank? IDK.
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Post by andyc69uk »

Many thanks, looking at it again, you are probably right. The combi's in the download are all stored in bank I-A (which is incorrect) and in a different order, with blank combi's in-between some of them. But looking at the names indicates they are probably all there, at first glance. Yes, agreed... the other 64 'missing' combi's are probably from the original pre-load, althoug I can't find any of them. Anyway, it would be interesting to review the contents of the original disc as they should match the details on the instruction manual. I am using a Triton Studio which has the Concert Grand buit in, so, I do not have the disc and am restricted to download. Thanks again for your help :>
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Post by bpoodoo »

I had a look, and I *think* the downloads PCM08 PCG file is complete. I now do not think there are duplicated preload programs or combis in it.

There are 32 new programs in PCM08 PCG for bank slots 000-031. They use the Bosendorfer piano samples. You must load these programs into the internal program C bank for the PCM08 PCG combinations to work.

You may even need to load the preload programs for Triton Studio (if they have been modified or rearranged) before you load the PCM08 PCG to make sure any preload programs used by the PCM08 combinations are available.

I do count 65 combinations in the PCM08 PCG file that do use one or more of the piano programs from the program C bank. The combinations can be loaded to any combination bank (as an entire bank or as individual combis).

The PCM08 PCG combi bank is sparsely populated - giving the appearance that combis are missing - but I think it is complete. There are a lot of empty unnamed combis or combis or named with informational headers like "<<Layers>>" and "<<Splits>>".

In summary, I think everything is there that's suppose to be there.
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Post by andyc69uk »

Many thanks for investigating. I can confirm all of the combis are there in bank A. I took the time and trouble to pick through them and re-allign into the first 64 slots as per the user manual for PCM08. So, all is good and nothing is missing. I have also saved a back-up copy :>
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Post by SynthfulDwarphus »

ALWAYS best to consult the official docs first for answers! From the EXB-PCM08 Owner's Manual:

"Programs, combinations, arpeggio patterns

The included floppy disk (EXBPCM-08FD) contains 32
programs and 64 combinations that use the multisamples of the
PCM board (EXB-PCM08: 16 Mbyte), as well as 6 new
arpeggio patterns.

C_BANK.PCG: Programs (C: 000-31 new, 32-127 preloaded)
Combinations (C: 000-63 new, 64-127 preloaded)
Arpeggio Patterns (C: 6 new)

D_BANK.PCG: Programs (D: 000-31 new, 32-127 preloaded)
Combinations (D: 000-63 new, 64-127 preloaded)
Arpeggio Patterns (D: 6 new)

New: This is new data created especially for the EXBPCM08. Banks C and D contain the same data.

Preloaded: This is the same preloaded data as for the corresponding banks of the TRITON/TRITON pro/
TRITON proX. However, some of the combinations
64-128 in banks C/D (those that use programs 0-31
of banks C/D) substitute similar programs in order
to produce the equivalent sound."

There's also a complete Combis and Programs name list in the same document, with the "new" Combis & Progs listed in bold (although the doc fails to explain the boldface).

So, to recap, there's only 64 new Combis, duplicated in both Combi Banks C & D, and only 32 new Progs, duplicated in both Prog Banks C & D. All the remaining Combis & Progs are identical to original Triton "preloaded" Progs & Combis (aka presets), with some substitutions in the included preset Combis that originally used some of the displaced Program Bank C & D sounds 1-32.

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