sustain pedal only working as a switch, but no sustain

Discussion relating to the Korg M50 Workstation.

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sustain pedal only working as a switch, but no sustain

Post by Tommyboy »

I think this is a hardware problem. Just got an M50 73 (again), and when using the sustain pedal with the correct polarity and all correct settings, it works when used for value, drum track on/off, arp and all other settings, but when set to sustenudo, nothing. If I play a chord and then hit the pedal, only those notes played will sustain, all others do not. If I hold the pedal before the notes, nothing happens. Could this be a problem with the main board, as I also have the problem of barely audible line outs. Headphones are fine, but almost no output from line outs, I have to crank my interface gain and volume to max. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
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Post by voip »

That sounds like expected sostenuto pedal behaviour, i.e. only those notes whose keys were depressed when the sostenuto pedal was depressed, will continue to sound.

It seems that what you're really after is the Damper pedal (which requires a pedal connection to the Damper jack on the rear panel), which will sustain all notes that are played whilst the Damper pedal is pressed. It is also worth bearing in mind that the Damper pedal will only sustain notes played in Combi mode, if the Timbres have been set to respond to the Damper pedal, which is done on a Timbre by Timbre basis in the MIDI settings menu screen for the Combi. In Program mode, the Damper pedal will always cause the notes to sustain. There is no setting for turning that off, which actually makes sense to me.

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problem solved

Post by Tommyboy »

not sure what happened, but I tried plugging the pedal, which is in fact just a switch, not a damper pedal, into the damper input and it works as it should now. Now to open 'er up again and check the muting circuit for my other problem of barely audible outs.
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Re: problem solved

Post by Scott »

Tommyboy wrote:not sure what happened, but I tried plugging the pedal, which is in fact just a switch, not a damper pedal, into the damper input and it works as it should now. Now to open 'er up again and check the muting circuit for my other problem of barely audible outs.
Most damper pedals (AKA sustain pedals) are just switches. Their function on the Kronos--and I believe M50 as well--is determined by which jack you plug them into and/or how you configure them to work via the board's settings. Though there are also ones that function as "half-damper" or "continuous" sustain pedals, which are more than on/off switches, and Korg does make one, the DS-1H.

Also, the ones that are just flat square pedals are always the on/off type, whereas ones that are shaped like real piano pedals may be either the on/off type, the half-damper type, or switchable between the two modes. However, while M50 can work with any of the on-off ones (there is a menu option to allow it to work with ones that are not naturally compatible), half-damper pedals are more brand-specific.
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