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Hmm ... would be nice to repost - there are some places that will scan it in and provide an electronic scan of it - like PDF or something. But that will cost $$$.
I think from PDF you can get plain text. I might take some effort - depends on how good the scanner made out. If it just made a picture embedded in a PDF - then you will not be able to get text extraction.
This whole thing makes me wonder if all the links for tutorials are dead.
Thanks everyone. Looking forward to them. In the mean time, there are a couple articles on mixing over at (on the Misc. page, under Guides) that I've found very case anyone else is interested. I'm sponging up all the Tips & Tricks articles I can find.
Hey guys...I hate to bump this, but I would love to have a copy of what they are talking about. The link no longer works. Wondering if someone could repost it. Thanks.
You can learn more about a person in an hour of play, than in a year of conversation.