Module Pro 80s Natural Grand EP Layer 2 Out of Tune

Discussion relating to KORG software running on the iPad

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Module Pro 80s Natural Grand EP Layer 2 Out of Tune

Post by samriccijr »

Hi all! Has anyone else noticed that---

A layer using Korg Module Performance Expansion of

Korg Natural Grand and
80s electric Piano FM EP Layer 2

Or just FM EP Layer 2 + AP by itself

--Sounds great -- but is it way out of tune at D5-A5?

I play acoustic piano and I understand stretch tuning.

I planned to use Module Pro with a lightweight controller instead of carrying a heavy synth to a gig. I made a set list with many great split and layered sounds:

Smooth Jazz Piano Fm Layer
Fm EP Layer 1, 2
E piano chorus
Soft Synth Layer Synth Brass
Synth Stab
Synth Power
Piano split synth brass

but to spend $$ on TWO sound packs and not be able to use layered sounds because of factory tuning issues....

Korg, please fix and provide 440 and stretch versions of the sounds. Or please tune the instruments!

Thank you!
Sam in NJ USA
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Module Pro 80s Natural Grand EP Layer 2 Out of Tune

Post by magilla66 »

I’ve tested out that patch and hear that detuned pitch in there somewhere.

I think if you use an aftertouch/velocity sensitive keyboard (even the iPad UI should be able to do this), you can clearly hear the two voices, FM EP 2 and A. Piano. I think it’s the Acoustic piano that’s out of tune, like a Honky-tonk upright or piano-roll upright.

Check it out and see if you hear that, too. If you like the FM EP 2, why not use that and create a User patch with that and an Acoustic piano of your choice? Of course, that does require the Module Expansion Pack to have access to the Layer function :(

Hope that helps!
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