User Banks, how many Programs etc?

Discussion relating to the Korg Wavestate, MKII, and the SE Edition.

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User Banks, how many Programs etc?

Post by Vesa »

I just discovered KORG Wavestate and it sounds great, been looking for info about user bank storage. I see "tens of thousands" of User Performances but no word on how many User Programs (I only find 740 normal Programs)

quote from the PDF manual:
Ships with over 240 Performances, 740 Programs, and 1,000 Wave Sequences
Storage for tens of thousands of user Performances

Also, what is the use of optional RAM when there is 4GB ROM? What am I missing here? Googling takes enourmous amount of time for this synth ! :D I just can't find what I am looking for!
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Post by voip »

The Wavestate uses a different approach to pretty much everything going before it. Performances are basically stored in a database, having a much larger capacity than the classic Banks of 128 Programs and Combis approach, that Korg have used in the past. The user can link Wavetate Perfomances in the database to individual slots in named Setlists, each Setlist having 64 locations (corresponding to MIDI Program Change messages 0-63) associated with the Favourites buttons 1 to 16, Banks A to D.

Performances are basically the top level of the sound generating structure, and consist of Programs, allocated to Lanes, with the Programs consisting of Wavesequences, or Multisamples, as the basic sound source. Unlike other Korg keyboards, Programs are not individually playable, as such. To play an individual Program, it would need to be set up as the sole single layer in a Performance.

Korg are quite coy about the precise specification of the Wavestate. The Wavestate is based around the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3, which comes with 1GB RAM and 4GB of eMMC flash memory on the module itself, which is likely to contain the main operating system. There is bound to be some additional flash memory storage, though exactly how it is formatted is not clear, but clearly giving room for the "gigabytes of samples" plus additional user samples. The memory on board seems to consist of 8GB of NAND flash, plus 8Gb of SDRAM. There is no facility for user upgradeable RAM or solid state storage in the Wavestate.

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