Discussion relating to all other KORG synth related products that don’t have a dedicated section. For example, OASYS PCI, M1, N Series, 01W series, T series, and more…
The Floppy on my X3 doesn't work, so I have been looking for the Preload data in sysex format all over the net with no luck, Does any of you have it??
Please send it.
Once you have access to the files, go to Files/Support and download X3File2Sysex.jar. It is a program written in Java that converts PCG and SNG to sysex !
I am having a hard time trying to join the Yahoo Group also, to have access to the X3File2Sysex.jar download page. If there is anyone who
has already accomplished this and have the converted Sysex Files stored
on their PC, please email them to me. My email address: xlrxyz@hotmail.com
Hi All,
Could anyone help me in getting "X3File2Sysex.jar" file? I tried the yahoo X3 group, but its almost been a week and i havent heard from them about my request to join. I already lost my floppy and my X3 drive is dead.
Please help.
Thanks - HS
Hi Folks, I'm making yet another request for the "X3File2Sysex.jar" or any sysex files to reload my Korg X3. Thanks! My private email is:"jpvan2@yahoo.com"
Hi, I'm new to this. My floppy belt went, so I've purchased a new one and installed it OK, HOWEVER, the drive tries to read a disk and keeps coming up with 'drive not ready'. I'm giving up on the drive for now and want to get sounds back into the X3. I've come across this forum and I have downloaded the JAR file. There seem to be lots of files within. I've double clicked on the executable JAR file and nothing happens. Can anyone please help so I can end this misery!! Thank you!
Hi, I'm new to this. My floppy belt went, so I've purchased a new one and installed it OK, HOWEVER, the drive tries to read a disk and keeps coming up with 'drive not ready'. I'm giving up on the drive for now and want to get sounds back into the X3. I've come across this forum and I have downloaded the JAR file. There seem to be lots of files within. I've double clicked on the executable JAR file and nothing happens. Can anyone please help so I can end this misery!! Thank you!