PCG Tools for Korg M3

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PCG Tools for Korg M3

Post by michelkeijzers »

For those who have followed the Korg Kronos or Korg Oasys threads, may know I have been busy with an app for getting information out of PCG files.

What can it do with these files:
- show a list per program, where it is used (in which combis/set list slots)
- show a list per combi, which programs are used
- sorting programs alphabetically
- sorting combis alphabetically
- sorting set lists alphabetically

The new version supports M3 files.

For more information see the main thread:
http://www.korgforums.com/forum/phpBB2/ ... hp?t=63765

The application is FREE. Anybody interested, send a PM with your email address so I can send it.

Also if you have tips, improvements, remarks etc let me know.
Developer of the free PCG file managing application for most Korg workstations: PCG Tools, see https://www.kronoshaven.com/pcgtools/
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Post by SanderXpander »

Excuse me for what's maybe a stupid question, but does your app actually sort the combis/programs IN the PCG files, or does it only sort the output list of your app?
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Post by michelkeijzers »

SanderXpander wrote:Excuse me for what's maybe a stupid question, but does your app actually sort the combis/programs IN the PCG files, or does it only sort the output list of your app?
There are no stupid questions.

My app does NOT change the PCG file; it only generates lists that can be read in e.g. notepad or can be printed out (or a CSV file that can be loaded by a spreadsheet).
In my signature is a link to the main topic of the App and there are some examples.

I wonder if people would like to have their PCG sorted but maybe it's a good idea.
Developer of the free PCG file managing application for most Korg workstations: PCG Tools, see https://www.kronoshaven.com/pcgtools/
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Post by SanderXpander »

Well mainly I figured if you were already that far (moving sounds around inside the PCG) it would only be a very small step to create the combi/program dependency that people so desperately want.
Sorting could be useful, mainly if you have a lot of big backup banks on your disk and you're looking for a specific sound. This since we can't browse the pcgs on disk by category.
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Post by michelkeijzers »

SanderXpander wrote:Well mainly I figured if you were already that far (moving sounds around inside the PCG) it would only be a very small step to create the combi/program dependency that people so desperately want.
Sorting could be useful, mainly if you have a lot of big backup banks on your disk and you're looking for a specific sound. This since we can't browse the pcgs on disk by category.
I hope to be able to make a simple librarian with combi/program dependency later but for now I concentrate on generating lists to help people sorting out their PCGs.
Developer of the free PCG file managing application for most Korg workstations: PCG Tools, see https://www.kronoshaven.com/pcgtools/
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Post by michelkeijzers » 14-Aug-2011
Feature: All lists can be generated in XML format.
Improv: Output file can be set (and opened by connected application)
Improv: Screen layout changed.
Bug fix: CSV File format improved (can handle commas in names of patches)
Bug fix: If the PCG file cannot be read, the app does not crash but gives a message box.

I also spent time for making a command line interface (passing arguments instead of a GUI), but this cannot be published on the usual way. If somebody wants that version, please let me know and I will send it.

See the link in my signature for all details about the app.
Developer of the free PCG file managing application for most Korg workstations: PCG Tools, see https://www.kronoshaven.com/pcgtools/
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Post by michelkeijzers »

And it is time for another update. This time as promised something for everybody (not supporting more synth models this time).

This time differences lists are added. Some fragments look as follows:

Code: Select all

Program I-A074
 6 Diffs: U-E062 
Program U-A000
 6 Diffs: U-A001 
 7 Diffs: U-A002 
Set List Slot 000/024
 4 Diffs: 000/027 
 8 Diffs: 000/025 
 25 Diffs: 000/029 
Set List Slot 000/030
 24 Diffs: 000/031 
This list shows for every program, combi and set list their similar patches. You can define how many bytes a patch should differ maximally and you can select to ignore patch names and ignore descriptions (for set list slots). Of course most usual options apply (like selecting which program, combi banks and set lists to take into account) and output is in text, CSV or XML.

Some ideas to use this lists for:
- you have once copied programs or combis but you are forgotten where you copied them from (or you want to have a list of them)
- you can check if someone just copied patches with small differences or if it are real new patches
- you want to know which patches are equal or similar.

However, take into account that one byte difference can make a very big difference, it depends on the parameter but this is almost impossible to automate. 18-Aug-2001
Feature: Differences List.
Improv: Changed parameters in command line interface.
Developer of the free PCG file managing application for most Korg workstations: PCG Tools, see https://www.kronoshaven.com/pcgtools/
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thanks sir for your big efforts

Post by mohali12 »

Hi, read about the latest pcg tool version that supports M3 and i am happy with this news fro you michelkeijzers and i sent you a PM to provide me this nice tool.

Best Regards :)

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Re: thanks sir for your big efforts

Post by michelkeijzers »

mohali12 wrote:Hi, read about the latest pcg tool version that supports M3 and i am happy with this news fro you michelkeijzers and i sent you a PM to provide me this nice tool.

Best Regards :)

Hello Mohammed,
I already sent the latest version.
Developer of the free PCG file managing application for most Korg workstations: PCG Tools, see https://www.kronoshaven.com/pcgtools/
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Post by michelkeijzers »

It has been some time ago I updated PCG Tools. Reasons where:
- vacation (away from computer)
- thinking about what to create next
- checksum for Kronos PCG files

With some help of others (thanks), I have managed to be able not only generate lists (existing functionality), but also:

PATCH LISTS ON GUI: All patches are shown on the GUI. This makes it possible to select them to perform actions like:

EDIT PROGRAM NAMES: From now on you can edit names of any program in a PCG file.

EDIT COMBI NAMES: Same but for combination names.

EDIT SET LIST NAMES: Same but for set lists.

EDIT SET LIST DESCRIPTIONS: Tired of editing those (max) 512 characters in the Kronos: do it from a normal keyboard instead!

Much more features will be added (hopefully) soon.

Update involves: 3-Sep-2011
Feature: Show banks with programs, combis and set list slots on GUI.
Feature: Ability to change names of Programs, Combis and Set List Slots.
Feature: Ability to change descriptions of Set List Slots.
Improv: CHanged text "Kronos PCG File Name" to "PCG File Name.
Bug Fix: Default settings/enabling of UI checkboxes for filtering on text.
Developer of the free PCG file managing application for most Korg workstations: PCG Tools, see https://www.kronoshaven.com/pcgtools/
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Post by michelkeijzers »

A new version is released.

When programs are moved, automatically the combis using those programs will be fixed.

Furthermore, some fixes have been done. See details below for the full change list.

Code: Select all     7-Sep-2011 Feature: Moving programs, combis, set list slots up and down with automatic reference updating.
            10-Sep-2011 Support: Support for Korg Triton (Classic), Triton Rack, Triton Le, Triton Le88, Triton Studio,
                                 Triton TR 61/76/88.
                        Support: Support for Korg Karma.
                        Bug Fix: Fixed reading of Korg Triton PCGs with MOSS programs.
Developer of the free PCG file managing application for most Korg workstations: PCG Tools, see https://www.kronoshaven.com/pcgtools/
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Post by Yatrix »

Michel , from one hand congratulations,
from another hand, let me ask if you really tested that feature:
When programs are moved, automatically the combis using those programs will be fixed.
Are you really sure on quality?
As for M50 case - I can believe in quick implementation, but for M3 and above (and BTW for Triton/Karma )you have to be able to proccess much more complex conditions. And if any bugs ...that may cause certain problems to users...Right ?
Developer of Aldan III for Korg M50, KROME.
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Documentation included in setup.
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PCG Tools

Post by michelkeijzers »

A new version of PCG Tools. Loading multiple PCGs is a job I will do (much) later, but there is a new features and some improvements: some buttons have been replaced by a menu and toolbar to make space for future additions easier and to have a bit more professional look.

And now it's possible to select MULTIPLE programs, combis or set list slots to move up and down inside a bank.

Also some small bug fixes. Below is the complete list.

Code: Select all    12-Sep-2011 Feature: Select multiple programs and combis for moving up/down.
                        Improv:  Added menu and moved buttons to menu.
                        Improv:  Added About window.
                        Improv:  Show set lists that have changed names or with non default set list slots (-> I-A000)
                        Improv:  Changed warning text for Differences List.
                        Bug Fix: Fixed exception in Differences list with 'To' option in set lists filtering.
                        Bug Fix: Fixed Initial Programs radio button selected when only set lists contained in PCG.
Developer of the free PCG file managing application for most Korg workstations: PCG Tools, see https://www.kronoshaven.com/pcgtools/
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Post by michelkeijzers »

Yatrix wrote:Michel , from one hand congratulations,
from another hand, let me ask if you really tested that feature:
When programs are moved, automatically the combis using those programs will be fixed.
Are you really sure on quality?
As for M50 case - I can believe in quick implementation, but for M3 and above (and BTW for Triton/Karma )you have to be able to proccess much more complex conditions. And if any bugs ...that may cause certain problems to users...Right ?
Hi Yatrix, sorry I forgot to answer this post. I don't see a difference in M50 or M3 ... both have the same program/combi structure. So I am really curious about what complex conditions you are referring to.

Triton are even older and also have a similar structure, so I guess Karma has nothing to do with it.

Only for Kronos it is a bit more complex, because moving programs affect both combis and set list slots and moving combis affect set list slots. But it is tested by people owning a Kronos.

My design is fully OO and while no design is perfect, I have a complete hierarchy of classes and only have to program the differences between models. That is why I can support quite some models in a reasonable amount of time.

Bugs might cause problems, that's why the advice is always make a backup.

More than 50 users have my app now and I haven't got a serious issue. The biggest bug was a PCG that could not be read but that was fixed easily. So as far as I know I only have 'happy' users.
Developer of the free PCG file managing application for most Korg workstations: PCG Tools, see https://www.kronoshaven.com/pcgtools/
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Post by McHale »

Yatrix wrote:Are you really sure on quality?
As for M50 case - I can believe in quick implementation, but for M3 and above (and BTW for Triton/Karma )you have to be able to proccess much more complex conditions.

So far, I've tested the software against the Triton, M50, M3, and Kronos. I've had no issues so far and I've tested specifically for that.
Current Korg Gear: KRONOS 88 (4GB), M50-73 (PS mod), RADIAS-73, Electribe MX, Triton Pro (MOSS, SCSI, CF, 64MB RAM), SQ-64, DVP-1, MEX-8000, MR-1, KAOSSilator, nanoKey, nanoKontrol, 3x nanoPad 2, 3x DS1H, 7x PS1, FC7 (yes Korg, NOT Yamaha).
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