If you're going to import any of the many available Wavestation sysex files into the Legacy Wavestation you might find these tools useful.
Wavestation Sysex Files
Many of the Wavestation sysex files available contain not just one sysex dump, but multiple dumps inside a single file. This is necessary because a Wavestation Performance is made up of a number of Patches and those in turn may be built using a number of custom Wavesequences. So Wavestation sysex files often contain a dump of each of these supporting items along with the Performances themselves - all packed into a single file for convenience.
Legacy Wavestation Sysex Import
The Legacy Wavestation is able to import most types of sysex data from the original Wavestation. However version 1.0 of the application will only read one dump from a given file, and not import the supporting data that was described above.
WS Syx Type
Before attempting to import a Wavestation sysex file, it's a good idea to identify what the file contains and whether that is compatible with the Legacy Wavestation. The WS Syx Type tool helps you with this. You simply start up the application and drop a sysex file onto it from the Explorer/Finder and it will the reveal the type of data in the file and whether it is compatible with the Legacy Wavestation.
WS Syx Type for Mac OS X
WS Syx Type for Windows XP
WS Syx Split
If WS Syx Type reports that the sysex file you dropped onto it is of the type "Multiple Sysex dumps in single file", you can use the tool WS Syx Split to break up that file into individual sysex files that will be compatible with the Legacy Wavestation.
You simply start up the application and drop the sysex file onto it from the Explorer/Finder and it will create some new sysex files whose name is based on the original file name, but with the type of the contained data and the bank number appended.
For example if you had a file such as "aquila2.syx" on your desktop and dropped it on WS Syx Split the following files would be created from it :
Those three files can then be imported into the Legacy Wavestation ... and enjoyed in their fullness

WS Syx Split for Mac OS X
WS Syx Split for Windows XP
If you want to "bulk process" a load of sysex files in one go, simply select multiple files in the Explorer/Finder and drop them onto WS Syx Split.
Both of these tools are Freeware and are provided "as is".
Thanks to Jerry K for his help and technical input and extra big thanks to all the people that have shared their Wavestation sounds ...