Loading a Songbook into 700

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Loading a Songbook into 700

Post by timtrax »

I'm loading my first Songbook. Using the Songbook software, I imported my 540 midi files into Songbook and saved it into my .set folder.
On the 700 the files are there as expected.
Unfortunately, every song comes up with a split on, and accompaniment on.
Thus the left hand plays nothing.
My intention was always to save every midi file with the Jazz piano chosen but I couldn't see how to do that.
Why did Songbook choose to have a split?
Gear: Korg Tr76, Korg pa700, Roland E50, M-audio 49 Key Rig, Roland BK9, Korg Micro-X. Logic for audio, Cubase for midi.
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Re: Loading a Songbook into 700

Post by siebenhirter »

timtrax wrote:... Why did Songbook choose to have a split?
Because you saved sb-entry with split!
Seems to be the same as with your posting "Saving my first songbook PA 700", where you got the answer that maybe you have misunderstood the principle of the Korg songbook and it is therefore not surprising if you have problems.

You can save Songbook in a set-folder, but you can not import/save midifiles in a songbook!

Songbook is a database software with links recalling styles and songs (midifiles), but it do not contain these resources (styles, smfs, mp3).
If your midifiles comes with split on, accompaniment on etc and chosen JazzPiano, that are no properties saved with your midifiles.
These properties are songbook-settings (ie split etc) at the time of writing a songbook entry.

To save sb-entries according to your intention (chosen JazzPiano, no split, no memory, no chord scan ..) it is necessary to change and rewrite your sb-entries with the intentioned settings. However, no MIDI files or styles need to be changed for these settings.
kind regards
- siebenhirter, austria -

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sb entries

Post by timtrax »

I'm sorry - I mis-spoke. I understand I didn't actually load a bunch of midi files - I loaded their titles and other info.
Gear: Korg Tr76, Korg pa700, Roland E50, M-audio 49 Key Rig, Roland BK9, Korg Micro-X. Logic for audio, Cubase for midi.
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Re: sb entries

Post by siebenhirter »

timtrax wrote:I'm sorry - I mis-spoke. I understand I didn't actually load a bunch of midi files - I loaded their titles and other info.
I think you used "import files" with songbook editor and that means, to import type, name, tempo, meter and linkadress of SMF, MP3 to a sb-entry.

In first posting you mentioned your files on Pa700 are as expected, but songbook choose split and accompaniment.
That already contains the answer "why songbook choose to have a split", because imported SMF/MP3 do not contain keyboard-set (#1-4), split and chord scan.

Songbook-Editor use default values for that Pa700 parameters, so each sb-entry imported with editor unchanged will show Piano1-4, split on, chord scan left.
Songbook entries do not care about how settings of resources/files (smf, mp3, styles) were saved. Sb-entries have their own settings, which are saved when the songbook entry is written.
It is these settings that are relevant when playing in songbook mode.

Some of these settings (transpose, synchro start/stop, memory) can be changed with songbook-editor( ver 3.0.), but others (split, chord scan, keyboard set ...) only are to edit with songbook entry before it is written with Pa700.
Therefore it must be noted to only use the version of the songbook with the editor on the PC, which was previously saved as a set with the PA700.
Otherwise if last songbook previously edited on computer again is used, the settings of the songbook entries meanwhile changed and written with the Pa700 will be lost.

Songbook entries created with songbook editor (new entries) on computer are written with split on and chord scan left. As these parameters are not editable with sb-editor, that must be done and written in sb-entry on Pa700.
kind regards
- siebenhirter, austria -

Interesting facts about styles and stylePlayer functions can be found at http: www.elmarherz.de
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sb entries

Post by timtrax »

I'm sorry - I mis-spoke. I understand I didn't actually load a bunch of midi files - I loaded their titles and other info.
Gear: Korg Tr76, Korg pa700, Roland E50, M-audio 49 Key Rig, Roland BK9, Korg Micro-X. Logic for audio, Cubase for midi.
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Fixing my Songbook.

Post by timtrax »

Songbook entries created with songbook editor (new entries) on computer are written with split on and chord scan left. As these parameters are not editable with sb-editor, that must be done and written in sb-entry on Pa700
So....I guess I'm faced with altering each individual sb entry.(on the 700 itself) (to get it to the Jazz Piano sound I want to choose). Though painful, I suppose I can get it done in a couple hours.[/quote]. It's only a few button pushes per song.
Gear: Korg Tr76, Korg pa700, Roland E50, M-audio 49 Key Rig, Roland BK9, Korg Micro-X. Logic for audio, Cubase for midi.
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