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Moderators: Sharp, X-Trade, Pepperpotty, karmathanever
Code: Select all
Program I-A074
6 Diffs: U-E062
Program U-A000
6 Diffs: U-A001
7 Diffs: U-A002
Set List Slot 000/024
4 Diffs: 000/027
8 Diffs: 000/025
25 Diffs: 000/029
Set List Slot 000/030
24 Diffs: 000/031
Code: Select all 7-Sep-2011 Feature: Moving programs, combis, set list slots up and down with automatic reference updating.
10-Sep-2011 Support: Support for Korg Triton (Classic), Triton Rack, Triton Le, Triton Le88, Triton Studio,
Triton TR 61/76/88.
Support: Support for Korg Karma.
Bug Fix: Fixed reading of Korg Triton PCGs with MOSS programs.
Code: Select all 12-Sep-2011 Feature: Select multiple programs and combis for moving up/down.
Improv: Added menu and moved buttons to menu.
Improv: Added About window.
Improv: Show set lists that have changed names or with non default set list slots (-> I-A000)
Improv: Changed warning text for Differences List.
Bug Fix: Fixed exception in Differences list with 'To' option in set lists filtering.
Bug Fix: Fixed Initial Programs radio button selected when only set lists contained in PCG.
Code: Select all 24-Sep-2011 Feature: Open multiple PCG files at the same time.
Feature: Added Status bar showing the amount of programs, combis and set list slots and banks in the PCG.
Feature: Added Status bar field showing the Korg model type of the loaded PCG.
Feature: Added Revert to Saved menu option (undo changes).
Improv: Replaced Combo box for bank/set list selection by list view.
Improv: Moved Label with loaded PCG file name flag to the title bar.
Improv: Added dirty flag (meaning PCG file has changed) as * to the title bar.
Improv: Added warning when closing the app or close a changed PCG.
Improv: Added Move Up and Move Down to Actions menu.
Improv: Changed the default list generator sort order from alphabetical to type/bank/index.
Code: Select all 6-Oct-2011 Feature: Copy programs inside a PCG or to another PCG.
Feature: Copy combis inside a PCG or to another PCG while copying the used programs together.
Feature: Copy set list slots inside a PCG or to another PCG while copying the used programs and combis together.
Improv: Commands in windows depend on selection of bank/patch selection list view.
Improv: Added column in banks for content type (Program bank shows Sampled/Modeled programs).
Improv: Added column in patches for Description (showing set list slot descriptions).
Improv: Double clicking a single patch shows the Edit window.
Improv: The short cut for the edit button is Alt-E (and had to remove the Edit menu short cut).
Improv: All banks/set lists are shown, also empty ones (useful for copy/paste functionality).
Bug Fix: Prevented some crashes related to the menu.
Bug Fix: Removed maximizing a PCG window when double clicking on the title bar.
Bug Fix: Prevented crash when loading a PCG without program, combi and set list slot data.
Bug Fix: Prevented crash when closing changed file after message box.
Bug Fix: Owner set correctly for message boxes; added icon for set list generator.
Send your email in a PM and I will send the application and future updates.truthaddict wrote:Where's the download link?
Code: Select all 12-Oct-2011 Feature: Showing categories and sub categories for patches in GUI.
Feature: Clear selected program(s) or bank(s).
Improv: Creation of XSL files for output generation in XML.
Improv: Removed Set Lists radio button if not supported by model.
Improv: Removed 'Content Type' column and 'Description' column from list views if not filled.
Bug Fix: Prevented crash for program usage/combi content list generator for Karma PCGs.
Bug Fix: Removed possibility to copy programs/combis between a Korg Triton PCG and Korg Karma PCG.
Bug Fix: Edit window has an icon now to prevent being unnoticed when unfocused.
Code: Select all 2-Nov-2011 Feature: Support for (U-)AA- to (U-)GG banks, added with OS update 1.5 (Kronos only and UNTESTED!).
Improv: Patch List shows categories/sub categories (both Text, CSV and XML file format).
Improv: Patch List can be sorted by category.
Improv: Patch List output for CSV and XML slightly improved (and a bit changed).
Improv: Possibility to use new line characters in a set list slot description (Kronos only).
Improv: Number of characters for patch names/descriptions is shown in the edit screen.
Bug Fix: Prevented crash when copying set lists slots using combis from U-A..U-G; Kronos only.
Bug Fix: Prevented strange symbols for (sub) categories when loading PCGs without Global chunk.
Code: Select all 21-Nov-2011 Feature: Create instrument definition files for Cubase.
Improv: Create all generatable lists in ASCII table format.
Improv: Generate a new kind of Combi Content list (showing timbres by index)
Improv: Set list slots can be cleared.
Improv: Copy/Paste mode has a Recall button to recall the copied copy clipboard.
Improv: Added link to in the about box (new news site/forum for Korg Kronos).
Improv: Added link to Robert Rosen's site (keyboardist/repair/patches).
Bug Fix: Enables the Copy and other buttons and disables Exit button when clipboard is empty.
Bug Fix: Removed unused toolbar icon (arrow down).
Code: Select all 27-Nov-2011 Feature: Show favorite column for program/combis in PCG Window (Kronos only).
Feature: Mark/Unmark programs/combis as favorite (in edit screen, menu and toolbar, Kronos only).
Feature: Change categories and sub categories (depending on model) in edit screen.
Improv: Use favorite setting as filter for generating all type of lists (Kronos only).